
Valley Piano Teachers Association Concert: TBD

Studio Spring Concert: May 10, 4:30 pm at The Northampton Community Music Center, 139 South Street, Northampton.

Lesson Schedule for Winter 2025:

Monday: First lesson: 1/13, last lesson 3/17 . No lessons 1/20, 2/17.

Tuesday: First lesson 1/14, last lesson 3/18. No lessons 2/4, 2/18.

Wednesday: First lesson 1/15, last lesson 3/19. No lessons 2/19, 3/12.

Thursday: First lesson 1/16, last lesson 3/20. No lessons 2/20, 3/13.

Friday: First lesson 1/10, last lesson 3/21. No lessons 1/24, 2/14, 2/21.

No lessons the week of March 24-28.

Lesson Schedule for Spring 2025:

Monday: First lesson: 3/31, last lesson 6/16 . No lessons 4/21, 5/12, 5/26.

Tuesday: First lesson 4/1, last lesson 6/10. No lessons 4/22, 5/13.

Wednesday: First lesson 4/2, last lesson 6/11. No lessons 4/23, 5/14.

Thursday: First lesson 4/3, last lesson 6/12. No lessons 4/24, 5/15.

Friday: First lesson 4/4, last lesson 6/13. No lessons 4/25, 5/16.


Tuition and Policies


Weekly individual lessons         25 minutes        40 minutes         55 minutes

                                                               $44.00                   $56.00                  $68.00

Weekly partner lessons 40minutes 55 minutes

$35.00 $43.00

 Tuition may be paid in full at the beginning of the semester, or in installments.


-Masks are optional. Please let me know if you’d like me to mask.

-Please do not come to your lesson if you are not feeling well.

-I teach people ages 3 to adults, about 30 lessons per year.  

-I bill by semester. Families/students can pay in installments or all at once.

-The September bill will include a recital fee (about $20).

-The studio calendar is posted on this website.

-There are occasional no-lesson day that are not also holidays. Please add these days with no lessons to your family calendars. Please don’t drop off your child without making sure it is a lesson day.

-All lessons scheduled must be paid for whether or not the student attends.

-If I cancel a lesson I will refund or credit the family’s account.

-If a student cancels an individual lesson because of illness, weather, religious holiday or family emergency, I will make up the lesson. Make up lessons are limited to 1 in the Fall and 2 in the Spring. Make up lessons take place in the summer, or if there are unexpected openings in my schedule.

-I usually purchase books and will ask families to reimburse me on the day I hand out the book. 

-All students must have an acoustic or very good weighted key electric piano to practice on.  Please tune your piano 2 times a year.  Practicing on an out of tune piano not ideal for a child’s developing ears.  For their developing technical skills, it is also important that the piano action be in good working order.  

  -All students need to have use of an electronic device so they can access the recordings on this website.

-It is a good idea to have a piano bag for books and the assignment binder.

-Grownups are welcome, but not required to attend their child’s lesson. Lessons go smoothly when the child's grownups save their questions or comments for the beginning or the end of the lesson time.

-Sometimes demand is high such that I keep a waiting list. Everyone on the list keeps that spot for 12 months. If a child currently enrolled in my studio has a sibling who wants to enroll and I don’t have a space to accomodate them, that sibling is moved to the top of the list.